Welcome : आज के इस पोस्ट में Direct and Indirect Speech के "Special Rules PART-3" के बारे में बताया गया है, इस पोस्ट में Imperative Sentences को Indirect Speech में किस प्रकार से Change किया जाता है, इसके बारे में full details में सभी चीजों को बताया गया है ।
और साथ ही बहुत से Examples भी दिए गए हैं ताकि आपको समझने में आसानी हो सकें । So इस पोस्ट को ध्यान से पढें और समझने का प्रयास करें ।
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Change Imperative Sentences Into Indirect Speech, Its Rules, Examples etc
Imperative Sentences : आदेशसूचक वाक्य
Imperative Sentences किसे कहते हैं ।
ऐसा वाक्य जिससे आज्ञा देने, अनुरोध करने, सलाह देने तथा निर्देश देने इत्यादि के भाव का बोध हो उसे Imperative Sentence कहते हैं । जैसे
बैठ जाओ । Sit down.
उसे मत पीटो Don't beat him.
वहाँ मत जाओ। Don't go there.
उसे मत पीटो Don't beat him.
वहाँ मत जाओ। Don't go there.
धूम्रपान मत करो । Don't smoke.
कभी झूठ मत बोलो । Never tell a lie.
दरवाजा बंद करो । Shut the door.
सदा सच बोलो । Always speak the truth.
वर्ग मे मत हँसो । Don't laugh in the class.
एक गिलास पानी लाओ । Bring a glass of water.
एक गिलास पानी लाओ । Bring a glass of water.
कृपया इसे पढें । please read it.
कृपया शांत रहें । please be quiet.
कृपया मेरी मदद कीजिए । please help me.
दया करके मुझे पाँच रूपये दीजिए । kindly give me five rupees.
Special Rules PART-3
Imperative Sentences को Indirect Speech मे निम्नलिखित प्रकार से Change किया जाता है ।
1. Reporting Verb (said) को वाक्य के अर्थ के अनुसार ( told/asked/ordered/warned/Advised/Requested/Suggested/Commanded ) में बदल देते हैं । जैसे
आज्ञा के लिए : Ordered
सलाह के लिए : Advised
सुझाव के लिए : Suggested
अनुरोध के लिए : Requested
निर्देश के लिए : Commanded
अनुरोध के लिए : Requested
निर्देश के लिए : Commanded
सामान्य बातों के लिए : told/asked
2. Direct Speech मे Reporting Verb ( said ) के बाद Object रहे या फिर न रहे,लेकिन Indirect speech मे Reporting Verb के बाद एक उपयुक्त Object अवश्य लगायें । पूरे वाक्य के अर्थ के अनुसार ।
3. Inverted Comma के स्थान पर to लगाये ।।। और याद रखे, to के बाद हमेशा Verb का first form ( V1 ) आयेगा । और यदि वाक्य Negative हो तो not to लगाएँ ।
4. यदि Inverted Comma के अंदर Please/kindly इत्यादि जैसे शब्द आए तो उसका लोप कर दें ।
Examples :
He said,"Go away."
He told me to go away.
He said,"Do as I say."
He told me to do as he said.
He said to me," Go to market."
He told/asked me to go to market.
Mother said," Always speak the truth."
Mother advised me to speak the truth.
I said,"Raj, switch off the T.V."
I told/asked/ordered Raj to switch off the T.V.
He said,"Bring a glass of water."
He told/asked/ordered me to bring a glass of water.
I said to him," Please help me."
I requested him to help me.
I said to mohan," Please help me."
I requested mohan to help me.
I said to father," Buy me a bicycle."
I requested father to buy me a bicycle.
He said to me," Take exercise everyday.
He advised me to take exercise everyday.
I said to my servant," Bring a glass of milk."
I ordered my servant to bring a glass of milk.
The doctor said to me," Take care of your health."
The doctor advised me to take care of my health.
Ram said to sita," Please give me ten rupees."
Ram requested sita to give him ten rupees.
The teacher said to us,"Don't laugh in the class."
The teacher told us not to laugh in the class.
My father said to me," Take exercise everyday."
My father advised me to take exercise everyday
The captain said to the soldiers,"fire at once."
The captain commanded the soldiers to fire at once.
Negative Imperative Examples :
यदि कोई Imperative Sentence Don't से शुरू हो, तो Indirect speech में to के बदले not to लगाएं, या फिर Reporting verb को forbade में बदल दें । जैसे
I said to him," Don't go there."
I told/asked him not to go there.
I forbade him to go there.
He said to me," Don't abuse me."
He told/asked me not to abuse him.
He forbade me to abuse him.
He told me,"Don't shout in the class."
He asked me not to shout in the class.
He forbade me to shout in the class.
Raj said to me," please Don't beat him."
Raj requested me not to beat him.
She said,"Don't drive too fast."
She told/asked me not to drive too fast.
She forbade me to drive too fast.
He said,"Don't make too much noise, children."
He told/asked the children not to make too much noise.
He forbade the children to make too much noise.
Emphatic Imperative
कुछ Imperative Sentence के पहले Do का प्रयोग वाक्य को जोरदार ((( Emphatic ))) बनाने के लिए किया जाता है । इस प्रकार के वाक्य को Indirect Speech मे बदलने के लिए वाक्य में प्रयुक्त Do का लोप कर देते हैं और उसे ऊपर बताए गए नियमों के अनुसार change कर देते हैं । जैसे
1. He said to me, "Do sing it again."
He requested me to sing it again.
2. i said to her, "Do have patience."
i told/asked her to have patience.
3. i said to him, "Do have a cup of tea."
i requested him to have a cup of tea.
4. He said to me, "Do come tomorrow."
He requested me to come the next day.
5. She said to me, "Do take a cup of tea."
She requested me to take a cup of tea.
Note : जब Do का प्रयोग Emphasis के लिए न होकर अन्य Verb की तरह हो, तब Do का लोप नहीं होगा । जैसे
1. He said to me, "Do this at once."
He told/asked me to do that at once.
2. She said to us, "Do whatever you like."
She told/asked us to do whatever we liked.
i requested him to have a cup of tea.
4. He said to me, "Do come tomorrow."
He requested me to come the next day.
5. She said to me, "Do take a cup of tea."
She requested me to take a cup of tea.
Note : जब Do का प्रयोग Emphasis के लिए न होकर अन्य Verb की तरह हो, तब Do का लोप नहीं होगा । जैसे
1. He said to me, "Do this at once."
He told/asked me to do that at once.
2. She said to us, "Do whatever you like."
She told/asked us to do whatever we liked.
यदि आप पिछले बताए गए "Rules" वाले पोस्ट को पढना चाहते हैं तो उसका link नीचे दिए गए हैं ।
((( 1 ))) Direct And Indirect Speech PART-1
((( 2 ))) Direct And Indirect Speech PART-2
((( 3 ))) Direct And Indirect Speech PART-3
((( 4 ))) Direct And Indirect Speech PART-4
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यदि आप भी पढना चाहते हैं । और नये पोस्ट की update पाना चाहते हैं, तो हमारे Site के facebook Page And facebook Group - ((( EnglishStudy.in ))) और Instagram Page " EnglishStudy.in " को अवश्य join कर लें ।
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