Welcome : आज के इस पोस्ट में आपलोग Narration ( Direct & Indirect Speech ) के बारे मे full details में अध्ययन करेंगे । इस पोस्ट में Direct & Indirect Speech के बारे मे हर एक छोटे से छोटे points को full details के साथ बताया गया है ।
इस पोस्ट में 'Change of Tense' के बारे मे बताया गया है । और इसके Rules,, Examples,, Sentences etc सभी चीजो को full details मे बताया और समझाया गया है ।।। So आप ध्यान से पढें और समझने का प्रयास करें ।
[[[ Notice ]]] ((( सभी स्टूडेंट्स ध्यान दें )))
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Direct & Indirect Speech ke Basic Points, Rules, Examples, Exercises, Sentences and Everything in hindi.
पिछले पोस्ट मे Change of Persons के बारे मे बताया गया था । और इस पोस्ट मे "Chang of Tense" के बारे में full details मे बताया गया है ।
((( Change of Tense )))
How to Change of Tense in Direct And Indirect Speech & Its Rules, Examples etc.
Rules - 2
Note : यदि Reporting Verb Past Tense मे रहता है, तब Inverted Comma " " के भीतर प्रयुक्त Tense मे परिवर्तन किया जाता है ।
यदि Reporting Verb Past Tense (( Said )) रहे । तो निम्नलिखित प्रकार से Tense को बदलते हैं ।
Direct Speech Indirect Speech
V1/V5 V2
Do/does + not + V1 Did + not + V1
V2 Had + V3
Did + not + V1 Had + not + V3
Has/have Had
Is/are/am Was/Were
Was/were Had been
Had to had had to
Has/have been Had been
Had No change
Had been No change
Can Could
May Might
Shall Should
Will Would
Could No change
Would No change
Might No change
Should No change
Must No change
यदि Reporting Verb ( Said ) के बाद कोई Object रहे । तो Said को told मे बदल देते हैं । और
यदि Reporting Verb Past Tense (( Said )) रहे । तो निम्नलिखित प्रकार से Tense को बदलते हैं ।
Direct Speech Indirect Speech
V1/V5 V2
Do/does + not + V1 Did + not + V1
V2 Had + V3
Did + not + V1 Had + not + V3
Has/have Had
Is/are/am Was/Were
Was/were Had been
Had to had had to
Has/have been Had been
Had No change
Had been No change
Can Could
May Might
Shall Should
Will Would
Could No change
Would No change
Might No change
Should No change
Must No change
यदि Reporting Verb ( Said ) के बाद कोई Object रहे । तो Said को told मे बदल देते हैं । और
यदि Reporting Verb ( Said ) के बाद Object नहीं रहे तो Reporting Verb ( Said ) को Change नहीं करते हैं, उसे Indirect speech मे भी Said ही लिखा जाता है ।
Reporting Verb ( Said ) के बाद प्रयुक्त to को हटा देते हैं । यानि कि लुप्त कर देते हैं ।
Inverted Comma " " के स्थान पर that का प्रयोग करते हैं ।
Change Direct to Indirect Speech Examples In Hindi & English
Direct : हमलोगों ने कहा," हमें जाना है ।"
Direct : We said," We have to go."
Indirect : हमलोगों ने कहा कि हमें जाना था ।
Indirect : We said that we had to go.
Direct : उसने कहा," मुझे कलम नहीं है ।"
Direct : He said," I have no pen."
Indirect : उसने कहा कि उसे कलम नहीं थी ।
Indirect : He said that he had no pen.
Direct : उसने कहा," मै काम कर रहा हूँ ।"
Direct : He said," I am working."
Indirect : उसने कहा कि वह काम कर रहा था ।
Indirect : He said that he was working.
Direct : उनलोगों ने मुझसे कहा," हम काम करते हैं ।"
Direct : They said to me," We work."
Indirect : उनलोगों ने मुझे कहा कि वे लोग काम करते थे ।
Indirect : They told me that they worked.
Direct : मोहन ने मुझसे कहा," मै सोहन को जानता हूँ ।"
Direct : Mohan said," I know sohan."
Indirect : मोहन ने मुझसे कहा कि वह सोहन को जानता था ।
Indirect : Mohan told me that he knew sohan.
Direct : मैने उससे कहा," मै इस काम को करना चाहता हूँ ।"
Direct : I said to him," I want to do this work."
Indirect : मैने उससे कहा कि मै इस काम को करना चाहता था ।"
Indirect : I said to him," I wanted to do this work."
Direct : उनलोगों ने हमसे कहा," हमलोग कोशिश कर रहे हैं ।"
Direct : They said to us," We are trying."
Indirect : उनलोगों ने हमसे कहा कि वे लोग कोशिश कर रहे थे ।"
Indirect : They said to us," They were trying."
Change Direct & Indirect Speech Examples In English to English
Direct : I said," I was going."
Indirect : I said that I had been going.
Direct : He said," I went there."
Indirect : He said that he had gone there.
Direct : He said," I was playing."
Indirect : He said that he had been playing.
Direct : Lata said," I have studied/read."
Indirect : Lata said that she had studied/read.
Direct : Mohan said," I had already eaten."
Indirect:Mohan said that he had already eaten
Direct : They said," We tried."
Indirect : They said that they had tried.
Direct : He said to me," I saw you."
Indirect : He told me that he had seen me.
Direct : Gopi said," I have killed the bird."
Indirect : Gopi said that he had killed the bird.
Direct : He said to me," I wanted to meet you."
Indirect : He told me that he had wanted to meet me.
Direct:He said to me,"I shall teach you english."
Indirect : : He told me that he would teach me english.
Direct : Ram said to me," I was reading your book."
Indirect:Ram told me that he had been reading my book.
Direct : I said to Ram," You will do nothing in your life."
Indirect : I told Ram that he would do nothing in his life.
Direct : They said," We have been working for hours."
Indirect:They said that they had been working for hours.
Direct : The boys said to the teacher," We were waiting for you.
Indirect : : The boys told the teacher that they had been waiting for him.
Direct : Sita said to me,"I had been waiting for you for two years."
Indirect:Sita told me that she had been waiting for me for two years.
Note : अगर 'कि' के बाद आनेवाले clause मे ऐसा कथन हो जिससे चिरंतन सत्य ( Universal truth ) या प्राकृतिक नियम ( Natural law ) का बोध हो ।।। तो उस clause के Verb के Tense मे कोई परिवर्तन नहीं होगा । जैसे
Direct : उसने कहा," पृथ्वी गोल है ।"
Direct : He said," The earth is round."
Indirect : उसने कहा कि पृथ्वी गोल है ।
Indirect : He said that the earth is round.
यहाँ The earth was round लिखना गलत होगा क्योंकि पृथ्वी गोल है यह एक चिरंतन सत्य है ।
Direct : राम ने कहा," दो और दो चार होते हैं ।"
Direct : Ram said," Two and two is four."
Indirect : राम ने कहा कि दो और दो चार होते हैं ।
Indirect : Ram said that two and two is four.
Direct : शिक्षक ने कहा," मानव मरणशील है ।"
Direct : The teacher said," Man is mortal."
Indirect : शिक्षक ने कहा कि मानव मरणशील है ।
Indirect : The teacher said that man is mortal.
Direct : शिक्षक ने कहा," काम ही पूजा है ।"
Direct : The teacher said," Work is worship."
Indirect : शिक्षक ने कहा कि काम ही पूजा है ।
Indirect:The teacher said that work is worship.
Direct : शिक्षक ने कहा," तेल पानी पर तैरता है ।"
Direct : The teacher said," Oil floats on water."
Indirect : शिक्षक ने कहा कि तेल पानी पर तैरता है ।
Indirect : The teacher said that oil floats on water.
Direct : उसने कहा," सभी चमकनेवाली चीजें सोना नहीं होती ।"
Direct : He said," All that glitters is not gold."
Indirect : उसने कहा कि सभी चमकनेवाली चीजें सोना नहीं होती ।
Indirect : He said that all that glitters is not gold.
Direct : उसने कहा," पृथ्वी सूर्य के चारो ओर घूमती है ।"
Direct : He said," The earth moves around the sun."
Indirect : उसने कहा कि पृथ्वी सूर्य के चारो ओर घूमती है ।
Indirect : He said that the earth moves around the sun.
Direct : पिताजी ने कहा," दोस्त वही है जो समय पर काम आए ।"
Direct:Father said," A friend in need is a friend indeed."
Indirect : पिताजी ने कहा कि दोस्त वही है जो समय पर काम आए ।
Indirect : Father said that a friend in need is a friend indeed.
Direct : मेरी माँ ने कहा," ईमानदारी सबसे अच्छी नीति है ।"
Direct : My mother said," Honesty is the best policy."
Indirect : मेरी माँ ने कहा कि ईमानदारी सबसे अच्छी नीति है ।
Indirect : My mother said that honesty is the best policy.
Direct : शिक्षक ने कहा," कम ज्ञान खतरनाक होता है ।"
Direct : The teacher said," A little knowledge is a dangerous thing."
Indirect : शिक्षक ने कहा कि कम ज्ञान खतरनाक होता है ।
Indirect : The teacher said that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
यदि आप पिछले बताए गए "Narration" वाले पोस्ट को पढना चाहते हैं तो उसका link नीचे दिया गया है ।
((( 1 ))) Direct And Indirect Speech PART-1
यदि आप Voice Chapter को Full Details के साथ पढना चाहते हैं तो उसका link नीचे दिया गया है ।
Voice : Active And Passive Voice
Present Indefinite Tense ➣ Passive Voice
Present Continuous Tense Passive Voice
Present Perfect Tense ➣ Passive Voice
Past Indefinite Tense ➣ Passive Voice
Future Indefinite Tense➣Passive Voice
Future Perfect Tense ➣ Passive Voice
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