संक्षिप्त विवरण ::- Active and Passive Voice का यह यह 5 वाँ पोस्ट है और इस पोस्ट में Past continuous tense के वाक्यों को - Passive Voice मे किस प्रकार से Change किया जाता है ।। और Past Continuous Tense Passive Voice के वाक्यों को किस प्रकार से translate किया जाता है इसके बारे मे विस्तार से बताया गया है ।
इस पोस्ट में 'Past Continuous Tense Passive Voice' के 'Translating Rules & Changing Rules' के बारे में विस्तार से बताया गया हैं और साथ ही बहुत से Examples भी दिए गए हैं ताकि आपको समझने में आसानी हो सकें ।
[[[ Notice ]]] ((( सभी स्टूडेंट्स ध्यान दें )))
इस website पर अभी तक जितने भी Hindi to English Translation वाले पोस्ट "Publish" किए गए हैं । उन सभी पोस्टों के लिंक एक साथ Hindi to English Translation Link List🔗 पेज में क्रमशः दिए गए हैं और यह पेज साइट के नीचले भाग में है, आप चाहे तो नीचे दिए गए Link पर click करके भी जा सकते हैं ↓
Past Continuous Tense Active and Passive Voice ke Rules, Structure, Examples in Hindi
Note : यदि आप Active और Passive Voice के Basic Points के बारे में पढना चाहते हैं। तो Active and Passive Voice PART-1. को पढिये ।, उसमें सभी Basic Points को विस्तार से बताया गया है ।
Voice के अंतर्गत सीखे जाने वाले महत्वपूर्ण नियम जो आप यहाँ सीखेंगे ।
Passive Voice सीखने के लिए दो Types के Rules को सीखना आवश्यक है ।
1. Translating Rules: How to Translate Hindi to English.
2. Changing Rules :- How to Change Active to Passive.
Note : अब इन दोनो नियमों के बारे में विस्तार से सभी चीजें एक एक करके ध्यानपूर्वक समझिए ।
[(( Translating Rules ))]
How to 'Tanslate' Past Continuous Tense Passive Voice Sentences and Its Rules, Structures, Examples in Hindi
इस Rules में आप. "Past Continuous Tense Passive Voice" के वाक्यों को 'हिंदी से अंग्रेजी में' Translate करना सीखेंगे । इस Rules का प्रयोग English Speaking में सबसे ज्यादा किया जाता है ।
Passive Voice के वाक्यों की पहचान :
हिंदी वाक्यों की पहचान : हिंदी वाक्यों की क्रियाओं के अंत में रहा था, रही थी, रहे थे, रहे थें इत्यादि लगे होते हैं तथा वाक्य मे प्रयुक्त कर्ता स्वयं क्रिया का संपादन नहीं कर रहे होते हैं। बल्कि कर्ता पर ही क्रिया संपादित हो रही होती है ।
इसे साफ शब्दों में कहे तो
हिंदी वाक्यों की क्रियाओं के अंत में किया जा रहा था, लिया जा रहा था, दिया जा रहा था, की जा रही थी, ली जा रही थी, दी जा रही थी, बनाई जा रही थी, बनाये जा रहे थे, बाँटी जा रही थी, काटे जा रहे थे, जोते जा रहे थे, लगाए जा रहे थे, इत्यादि इसी प्रकार से लगे होते हैं । और वाक्य मे प्रयुक्त कर्ता स्वयं क्रिया का संपादन नहीं कर रहे होते हैं बल्कि कर्ता पर ही क्रिया संपादित हो रही होती है ।
Note :- यहाँ Subject ( कर्ता ) उसको मानेगें जिसके बारे में वाक्य मे कहा जाएगा । वास्तव मे ये Object हैं, परंतु हम इसे यहाँ Subject मान कर चलेंगें । जैसे
1. काम किया जा रहा था ।
2. चोर को पीटा जा रहा था ।
3. कल वहाँ पेड़ काटें जा रहे थें ।
4. वहाँ मिठाइयाँ बाँटी जा रही थी ।
5. सड़कों की मरम्मत की जा रही थी ।
इन वाक्यों को ध्यान से देखिए। इन वाक्यों के कर्ता ( काम, चोर, पेड., मिठाइयाँ, सड़कों, ) वाक्य में किसी भी प्रकार के कार्य को स्वयं नहीं कर रहे हैं । बल्कि उन'पर ही क्रिया ( करना, पीटना, काटना, बाँटना, मरम्मत करना ) संपादित हो रही है । अतः ऐसे वाक्यों को Passive Voice में बनाया जाता है ।
इस प्रकार के वाक्यों को नीचे दिए गए 'Structure' के अनुसार Translate किया जाता है ।
Subject + was/were + being + v3.
काम किया जा रहा था ।
The work was being done.
चोर को पीटा जा रहा था ।
The thief was being beaten.
सड़कों की मरम्मत की जा रही थी ।
The roads were being repaired.
वहाँ मिठाइयाँ बाँटी जा रही थी ।
Sweets were being distributed there.
कल वहाँ पेड़ काटें जा रहे थें ।
The trees were being cut there yesterday.
यदि वाक्य इस प्रकार से दिया गया हो तब
1. उनलोगों के द्वारा काम किया जा रहा था ।
2. मजदूरों के द्वारा एक पेड़ काटा जा रहा था ।
3. राम के द्वारा वहाँ मिठाइयाँ बाँटी जा रही थी ।
Note : ऐसे वाक्यों मे जिसके साथ के द्वारा लगा होता है उसकी अंग्रेजी, वाक्य के अंत में by के साथ लिखा जाता है । और शेष बचे हुए भाग को उपर बताए गए Structure ( Subject + was/were + being + v3 ) के अनुसार Translate किया जाता है । जैसे
उनलोगों के द्वारा काम किया जा रहा था ।
The work was being done by them.
मजदूरों के द्वारा वहाँ एक पेड़ काटा जा रहा था ।
A tree was being cut there by labours.
राम के द्वारा वहाँ मिठाइयाँ बाँटी जा रही थी ।
Sweets were being distributed there by Ram.
[(( साकारात्मक वाक्य ))]
((( Affirmative Sentences )))
How to Translate Past Continuous Tense Passive Voice Affirmative Sentences its Rules Structure Examples in Hindi
1. काम किया जा रहा था ।
2. चोर को पीटा जा रहा था ।
3. कल वहाँ पेड़ काटें जा रहे थें ।
4. वहाँ मिठाइयाँ बाँटी जा रही थी ।
5. सड़कों की मरम्मत की जा रही थी ।
इस प्रकार के वाक्यों को नीचे दिए गए Structure के अनुसार Translate किया जाता है ।
Subject + was/were + being + v3.
काम किया जा रहा था ।
The work was being done.
चोर को पीटा जा रहा था ।
The thief was being beaten.
सड़कों की मरम्मत की जा रही थी ।
The roads were being repaired.
वहाँ मिठाइयाँ बाँटी जा रही थी ।
Sweets were being distributed there.
हमें बार बार तंग किया जा रहा था ।
We were being vexed agan and again.
उसे दोबारा दिया जा रहा था ।
He was being given again.
कमरा साफ किया जा रहा था ।
The room was being cleaned.
खेत जोते जा रहे थे ।
The fields were being ploughed.
मकान की पुताई की जा रही थी ।
The house was being painted/whited.
कल वहाँ पेड़ काटें जा रहे थें ।
The trees were being cut there yesterday.
[(( नाकारात्मक वाक्य ))]
((( Negative Sentences )))
How to Translate Past Continuous Tense Passive Voice Negative Sentences & Its Rules, Structure, Examples in Hindi
1. कुछ नहीं किया जा रहा था ।
2. काम नहीं किया जा रहा था ।
3. उसे गाली नहीं दिया जा रहा था ।
4. उसकी मदद नही की जा रही थी ।
5. सड़कें मरम्मत नहीं की जा रही थी ।
इस प्रकार के वाक्यों को नीचे दिए गए Structure के अनुसार Translate किया जाता है ।
Subject + was/were + not + being + v3.
कुछ नहीं किया जा रहा था ।
Nothing was being done.
उसे गाली नहीं दिया जा रहा था ।
He was not being abused.
हमलोगों की मदद नही की जा रही थी ।
We were not being helped.
काम नहीं किया जा रहा था ।
The work was not being done.
सड़कें मरम्मत नहीं की जा रही थी ।
The roads were not being repaired.
उसे बुलाया नहीं जा रहा था ।
He was not being called.
तुम्हें गाली नहीं दी जा रही थी ।
You were not being abused.
उन्हें दोबारा नहीं दिया जा रहा था ।
He was not being given again.
हमें कुछ नहीं दिया जा रहा था ।
We were not being given anything.
कल मैच नहीं खेला जा रहा था ।
The match was not being played yesterday.
[(( प्रश्नवाचक वाक्य ))]
((( Interrogative Sentences )))
How to Translate Past Continuous Tense Passive Voice Interrogative Sentences & Its Rules, Structure, Examples in Hindi
1. क्या कल मैच खेला जा रहा था ?
2. क्या काम नहीं किया जा रहा था ?
3. क्या आपको धमकाया जा रहा था ?
4. क्या नियमों का पालन किया जा रहा था ?
5. क्या अपराधियों को गिरफ्तार नहीं किया जा रहा था ?
इस प्रकार के वाक्यों को नीचे दिए गए Structure के अनुसार Translate किया जाता है ।
was/were + Subject + being + v3 ?
was/were + Subject + not + being + v3 ?
क्या तुम्हें धमकाया जा रहा था ?
Were you being threatened ?
क्या काम नहीं किया जा रहा था ?
Was the work not being done ?
क्या उसे कुछ दिया जा रहा था ?
Was he being given something ?
क्या कल मैच खेला जा रहा था ?
Was the match being played yesterday ?
क्या तुम्हें बार बार परेशान किया जा रहा था ?
Were you being vexed again and again ?
क्या उसकी मदद नहीं की जा रही थी ?
Was he not being helped ?
क्या नियमों का पालन किया जा रहा था ?
Were the rules being followed ?
क्या बच्चों को पढाया जा रहा था ?
Were the children being taught ?
क्या घर को सजाया जा रहा था ?
Was the house being decorated ?
क्या अपराधियों को गिरफ्तार नहीं किया जा रहा था ?
Were the criminals not being arrested ?
[(( प्रश्नवाचक वाक्य ))]
((( W.H Question Sentences )))
How to Translate Past Continuous Tense Passive Voice W.H Question Sentences & Its Rules, Structure, Examples in Hindi
1. मैच कहाँ खेला जा रहा था ?
2. उसे कहाँ ले जाया जा रहा था ?
3. काम क्यों नहीं किया जा रहा था ?
4. उसे बार बार परेशान क्यों किया जा रहा था ?
5. नियमों का पालन क्यों नहीं किया जा रहा था ?
इस प्रकार के वाक्यों को नीचे दिए गए Structure के अनुसार Translate किया जाता है ।
W.H Words + was/were + Subject + being + v3 ?
W.H Words + was/were + Subject + not + being + v3 ?
उसे कहाँ ले जाया जा रहा था ?
Where was he being taken ?
उसे क्यों गिरफ्तार किया जा रहा था ?
Why was he being arrested ?
काम क्यों नहीं किया जा रहा था ?
Why was the work not being done ?
मैच कहाँ खेला जा रहा था ?
Where was the match being played ?
नियमों का पालन क्यों नहीं किया जा रहा था ?
Why were the rules not being followed ?
उसकी पिटाई क्यों की जा रहा था ?
Why was he being beaten ?
उसे गाली क्यों दी जा रही थी ?
Why was he being abused ?
तुम्हें क्या पढाया जा रहा था ?
What were you being taught ?
उसे बार बार परेशान क्यों किया जा रहा था ?
Why was he being vexed agan and again ?
गरीबों के लिए क्यों कुछ नहीं किया जा रहा था ?
Why was Nothing being done for the poor ?
[(( Changing Rules ))]
How to Change Past Continuous tense Sentences into Passive Voice & Its Rules, Structure, Examples.
इस Rules के अंतर्गत आप Past Continuous Tense के वाक्यों को Active से Passive में Change करना सीखेंगे । और Exam में इसी Rule से Questions पूछे जाते हैं ।
इसलिए इसे 'ध्यानपूर्वक' पढें और समझने का प्रयास करें । अब सबसे पहले Active Voice के पहचान और कुछ Example को देखें ।
● Active Voice के पहचान और उदाहरण :
अंग्रेजी वाक्यों की पहचान : अंग्रेजी में वाक्य नीचे दिए गए Structures मे से किसी भी Structure के अनुसार हो सकते हैं यानि कि इनमें से किसी भी Structure के अनुसार लिखे जा सकते हैं
Subject + was/were + v4 + Object.
Subject + was/were + not + v4 + Object.
Was/Were + Subject + (not) + v4 + Object ?
W.H + Was/Were + Subject + (not) + v4 + Object ?
हिंदी वाक्यों की पहचान : हिंदी वाक्यो के क्रियाओं के अंत में रहा था, रही थी, रहे थे, रहे थें इत्यादि इसी प्रकार से लगे होते हैं । तथा वाक्य के भाव से पता चलता है कि कार्य भूतकाल में किसी समय हो रहा था अर्थात जारी था । जैसे
1. मै उसकी मदद कर रहा था ।
I was helping him.
Subject was v4 Object
2. मै उसे disturb नहीं कर रहा था ।
I was not disturbing him.
Subject was not v4 Object
3. क्या तुम उसे पीट नहीं रहे थे ?
Were you not beating him ?
Were Subject not v4 Object ?
4. वह तुम्हें क्यों गाली दे रही थी ?
Why was she abusing you ?
W.H Were Subject v4 Object ?
Examples :
5. तुम कुछ कर रहे थे । You were doing something.
6. हमलोग क्रिकेट खेल रहे थें We were playing cricket.
7. हमलोग कुछ नहीं कर रहा था । We were not doing anything.
8. क्या वो कुछ पूछ रहा था? Was he asking something ?
9. वे लोग तुम्हें क्यों पीट रहे थें ? Why were they beating you ?
10. वे लोग काम क्यों नहीं कर रहे थे ? Why were they not working ?
Note :- ये सभी Past Continuous Tense के वाक्य हैं । जो कि Active Voice में हैं । और अब Active Voice के वाक्यों को Passive Voice में किस प्रकार से Change किया जाता है इसको समझिये ।
[(( Changing Rules ))]
( Active से Passive में बदलने का नियम )
ध्यान दें कि, केवल "Transitive Verb" वाले वाक्यों को ही Active से Passive Voice में change किया जाता है और Intransitive Verb वाले वाक्यों को Active से Passive Voice में change नहीं किया जाता है । यानि कि
इसे साफ शब्दों में कहें तो
जिस वाक्य में ( Verb का ) Object होता है उसी वाक्य को Active से Passive में change किया जाता है । और
जिस वाक्य में ( Verb का ) Object नहीं होता है उस वाक्य को Active से Passive में change नहीं किया जाता है ।
Note : इसे और अच्छे से समझना चाहते हैं तो नीचें दिए गए Video को देखिए ।
[(( साकारात्मक वाक्य ))]
((( Affirmative Sentences )))
How to Change Past Continuous Tense Affirmative Sentences into Passive Voice Its Rules Structure Examples etc
1. I was helping him.
2. He was abusing you.
3. They were beating him.
4. We were playing cricket.
5. He was telling a story yesterday.
इस प्रकार के वाक्यों को नीचे दिए गए 'Structure' के अनुसार Active से Passive मे Change किया जाता है ।
Active Voice : Subject + was/were + v4 + Object.
Passive Voice : Object + was/were + being + v3 + by + Subject.
◆ Active से Passive में बदलने का नियम ।
1. Active Voice के Object को Passive Voice में सबसे पहले लिखा जाता है किंतु Object को Subjective Form में लिखा जाता है ।
2. फिर Subjective Form के अनुसार 'Was/Were' में से किसी एक को लिखा जाता है ।
3. फिर being को लिखा जाता है । और फिर Verb के तीसरे रूप ( v3 ) को लिखा जाता है यानि 'v4 को v3 में' change करके लिखा जाता है ।
4. फिर Active Voice के Subject को Passive Voice के अंत में by+Subject के रूप में लिखा जाता है किंतु Subject को Objective form में लिखा जाता है ।
Object ka Subjective form + was/were + being + v3 + by + Subject ka Objective form.
Subjective forms ⇄ Objective forms
I - me
We - us
You - you
He - him
She - her
It - It
They - them
इसे एक Examples से समझिये ।
Active Voice : He was helping me.
Passive Voice : I was being helped by him.
इस वाक्य में Active Voice के Object (me) को Passive Voice में सबसे पहले लिखा गया है । लेकिन Object ( me ) को Subjective form ( I ) के रूप में लिखा गया है ।
फिर Subjective form ( I ) के अनुसार was को लिखा गया है । और फिर being को लिखा गया है ।
फिर Verb के चौथें रूप (helping) को तीसरे रूप Helped में change करके लिखा गया है ।
फिर Active Voice के Subject (He) को Passive Voice के अंत में by+Subject के रूप में लिखा गया है किंतु Subject (He ) को Objective form ( him ) के रूप में लिखा गया है ।
Note-इसी प्रकार से सभी वाक्यों को Active से Passive में change किया जाता है । अब और भी Examples को देखिए ताकि आपको अच्छे से समझ में आ सकें ।
Examples in English :
A : I was helping him.
P : He was being helped by me.
A : They were beating him.
P : He was being beaten by them.
A : He was abusing you.
P : You were being abused by him.
A : We were doing our work.
P : Our work was being done by us.
A : Reeta was making tea for us.
P : Tea was being made for us by Reeta.
A : Sohan was cutting the old trees.
P : The old trees were being cut by Sohan.
A : He was telling a story yesterday.
P : A story was being told by him yesterday.
A : I was eating food.
P : Food was being eaten by me.
A : We were playing cricket.
P : Cricket was being played by us.
A : I was thinking something.
P : Something was being thought by me.
A : He was asking me about this city.
P : I was being asked about this city by him.
A : We were watching a horror movie.
P : A horror movie was being watched by us.
A : I was telling a story to the children.
P : A story was being told to the children by me.
A : The teacher was teaching us a new lesson yesterday.
P : We were being taught a new lesson by the teacher yesterday.
Examples in Hindi :
Active : वह तुम्हें गाली दे रहा था ।
Active : He was abusing you.
Passive : उसके द्वारा तुम्हें गाली दिया जा रहा था ।
Passive : You were being abused by him.
Active : वे लोग उसे पीट रहे थें ।
Active : They were beating him.
Passive : उनलोगों के द्वारा उसे पीटा जा रहा था ।
Passive : He was being beaten by them.
Active : राजू एक पत्र लिख रहा था।
Active : Raju was writing a letter.
Passive : राजू के द्वारा एक पत्र लिखा जा रहा था ।
Passive : A letter was being written by Raju.
Active : सोहन वृक्षों को काट रहा था ।
Active : Sohan was cutting the trees.
Passive : सोहन के द्वारा वृक्षों को काटा जा रहा था ।
Passive : The trees were being cut by sohan.
[(( नाकारात्मक वाक्य ))]
((( Negative Sentences )))
How to Change Past Continuous Tense Negative Sentences into Passive Voice Its Rules Structure Examples etc
1. I was not disturbing him.
2. He was not doing anything.
3. He was not asking me anything.
4. She was not cooking food in the kitchen.
5. We were not playing cricket in the ground.
इस प्रकार के वाक्यों को नीचे दिए गए 'Structure' के अनुसार Active से Passive मे Change किया जाता है ।
Active Voice : Subject + was/were + not + v4 + Object.
Passive Voice : Object + was/were + not + being + v3 + by + Subject.
◆ Active से Passive में बदलने का नियम ।
1. Active Voice के Object को Passive Voice में सबसे पहले लिखा जाता है किंतु Object को Subjective Form में लिखा जाता है ।
2. फिर Subjective Form के अनुसार 'Was/Were' में से किसी एक को लिखा जाता है और फिर not को लिखा जाता है
3. फिर being को लिखा जाता है । और फिर Verb के तीसरे रूप ( v3 ) को लिखा जाता है यानि 'v4 को v3 में' change करके लिखा जाता है ।
4. फिर Active Voice के Subject को Passive Voice के अंत में by+Subject के रूप में लिखा जाता है किंतु Subject को Objective form में लिखा जाता है ।
Object ka Subjective form + was/were + not + being + v3 + by + Subject ka Objective form.
Examples :
A : They were doing nothing.
P : Nothing was being done by them.
A : I was not disturbing him.
P : He was not being disturbed by me.
A : He was not doing anything.
P : Anything was not being done by him.
A : We were not hidding anything.
P : Anything was not being hidden by us.
A : He was not asking me anything.
P : I was not being asked anything by him.
A : I was not abusing you that day.
P : You were not being abused by me that day.
A : They were not doing the work carefully.
P : The work was not being done carefully by them.
A : She was not cooking food in the kitchen.
P : Food was not being cooked in the kitchen by her.
A : We were not playing cricket in the ground.
P : Cricket is not being played in the ground by us.
A : All the students were not following the rules of the examination.
P : The rules of the examination were not being followed by all the students.
[(( प्रश्नवाचक वाक्य ))]
((( Interrogative Sentences )))
How to Change Past Continuous Tense Interrogative Sentences into Passive Voice Its Rules Structure Examples etc
1. Was he doing nothing ?
2. Was he abusing me yesterday ?
3. Were you thinking something else ?
4. Were they not doing the work carefully ?
5. Was she not cooking food in my kitchen ?
इस प्रकार के वाक्यों को नीचे दिए गए 'Structure' के अनुसार Active से Passive मे Change किया जाता है ।
Active Voice : Was/Were + Subject + ( not ) + v4 + Object.
Passive Voice : Was/Were + Object + ( not ) + being + v3 + by + Subject.
◆ Active से Passive में बदलने का नियम ।
1. Active Voice के Object के अनुसार Passive Voice में सबसे पहले Was/Were में से किसी एक को लिखा जाता है ।
2. फिर Was/Were के बाद Object को लिखा जाता है किन्तु Object को Subjective Form में लिखा जाता है ।
3. फिर being को लिखा जाता है । और फिर Verb के तीसरे रूप ( v3 ) को लिखा जाता है यानि 'v4 को v3 में' change करके लिखा जाता है ।
4. फिर Active Voice के Subject को Passive Voice के अंत में by+Subject के रूप में लिखा जाता है किंतु Subject को Objective form में लिखा जाता है ।
Was/Were + Object ka Subjective form + ( not ) + being + v3 + by + Subject ka Objective form.
Example :
A : Were you not beating him ?
P : Was he not being beaten by you ?
A : Was he speaking english ?
P : Was English being spoken by him ?
A : Were you doing something ?
P : Was something being done by you ?
A : Was he asking you something ?
P : Were you being asked something by him ?
A : Were they not doing the work carefully ?
P : Was the work not being done carefully by them ?
A : Was he doing nothing ?
P : Was nothing being done by him ?
A : Was he abusing me yesterday ?
P : Was I being abused by him yesterday ?
A : Were they hidding something ?
P : Was something being hidden by them ?
A : Were you thinking something else ?
P : Was something else being thought by you ?
A : Was she not cooking food in my kitchen ?
P : Was food not being cooked in my kitchen by her ?
[(( प्रश्नवाचक वाक्य ))]
((( W.H Question Sentences )))
How to Change Past Continuous Tense W.H Question Sentences into Passive Voice Its Rules Structure Examples etc
1. Why were you calling me ?
2. What were you asking him ?
3. Why were they hidding the box ?
4. When was she making tea for me ?
5. Why was she abusing you last night ?
इस प्रकार के वाक्यों को नीचे दिए गए 'Structure' के अनुसार Active से Passive मे Change किया जाता है ।
Active Voice : W.H + Was/Were + Subject + ( not ) + v4 + Object.
Passive Voice : W.H + Was/Were + Object + ( not ) + being + v3 + by + Subject.
◆ Active से Passive में बदलने का नियम ।
1. Passive Voice में सबसे पहले 'W.H Word' को लिखा जाता है, फिर Active Voice के Object के अनुसार Was / Were में से किसी एक को लिखा जाता है ।
2. फिर Was/Were के बाद Object को लिखा जाता है किन्तु Object को Subjective Form में लिखा जाता है ।
3. फिर being को लिखा जाता है । और फिर Verb के तीसरे रूप ( v3 ) को लिखा जाता है यानि 'v4 को v3 में' change करके लिखा जाता है ।
4. फिर Active Voice के Subject को Passive Voice के अंत में by+Subject के रूप में लिखा जाता है किंतु Subject को Objective form में लिखा जाता है ।
W.H Word + was/were + Object ka Subjective form + ( not ) + being + v3 + by + Subject ka Objective form.
Examples :
A : Why were you calling me ?
P : Why was I being called by you ?
A : Why were they beating you ?
P : Why were you being beaten by them ?
A : Why were they hidding the box ?
P : Why was the box being hidden by them ?
A : Why were you not doing the work ?
P : Why was the work not being done by you ?
A : What was he telling you about me ?
P : What were you being told about me by him ?
A : What were you asking him ?
P : What was he being asked by you ?
A : When were you playing the game ?
P : When was the game being played by you ?
A : When was she making tea for me ?
P : When was tea being made for me by her ?
Why was she abusing you last night ?
Why were you being abused by her last night ?
Why was sohan cutting some trees in the garden ?
Why were some trees being cut in the garden by sohan ?
Note : ये पोस्ट यहीं तक है और इससे आगे के Active and Passive Voice को Next पोस्ट में बताया गया है ।, जिसका link नीचे दिया गया है । आप नीचें दिए गए 'Link पर click' करके पढ सकते हैं ।
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Present Indefinite Tense के Voice >
Present Continuous Tense Voice >
Present Perfect Tense के Voice >>>
Past Indefinite Tense का पूरा Voice :
Past Continuous Tense का Voice >>
Past Perfect Tense का पूरा Voice >>>
Future Indefinite Tense के Voice >>
Future Perfect Tense के Voice >>>
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अब "मै" आशा करता हूँ कि आप इस पोस्ट में बताए गए सभी Points को अच्छे से समझ गए होगें और यदि आपको यह पोस्ट helpful लगा हो तो इस पोस्ट को अपने friends और other students को share अवश्य करें ताकि वो सब भी इस पोस्ट को पढकर 'Active & Passive Voice' का full प्रयोग सीख सकें ।
Note :- आपको यह पोस्ट कैसा लगा। इस पोस्ट मे क्या क्या Helpful लगा और क्या खामियां लगा ।, नीचे Comment करके हमें अवश्य ही बताएँ, ताकि हम इस पोस्ट को और बेहतर बना सकें ।। आपकी राय हमें इस पोस्ट को और बेहतर बनाने में काफी help करेगी ।
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